Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to questions we frequently receive from our clients.


  • Sport and performance psychology is a research and evidence-based science that aims to help athlete’s improve performance, performance enjoyment and overall well-being. The APA has defined it as, “…a proficiency that uses psychological knowledge and skills to address optimal performance and well-being of athletes, developmental and social aspects of sports participation, and systemic issues associated with sports settings and organizations” (APA, 2022).

  • Therapy and counseling can be incredibly useful to address clinical concerns. However, sport and performance psychology professionals (SPPs) are uniquely qualified to help with the challenges, concerns and stressors that often come specifically with sport and performance. SPPs are also trained to understand cultural differences, and to keep these in mind when working with an individual or group.

    If a clinical concern arises, we will refer the client to a provider that can help them with that specific need. If a client is interested in pursuing both clinical and performance-related care, they can sign a release of information (ROI) form so that both providers can work together to give the client the holistic care they desire.

  • We do! We work with any performer as well as those who work with or support performers. This includes parents, coaches, instructors, teachers, directors, peers, etc.

  • If you are a current client, we can offer phone calls, zoom calls and even text messaging to support you when you need it most.

  • Sessions are typically 45 minutes to an hour in length.

  • We typically meet with our clients on a weekly basis, and this is our normal recommendation for new clients. Weekly sessions can help clients to identify, develop and implement psychological skills, stay accountable for practicing skills, and see real performance enhancement in as little as a month.

    However, we know your schedules are busy, so we will work with you to meet your needs.